Advice Note
For the invertebrate tissue kit protocol, please click here.
After sample collection
- It is important to keep the samples out of direct sunlight, if possible, keep them in a dark place away from any sources of light.
- Keep samples at stable temperatures and as cold as possible, ideally in a freezer, or in a refrigerator where freezing isn’t feasible. Keep samples away from sources of heat.
- Samples should be received by the lab within 1 month of sampling. If this is not possible, samples should be frozen as soon as possible after collection to enhance DNA preservation until samples are sent back to us. Contact your business development representative if cold storage isn’t possible.
- Cold shipping is not necessary for frozen samples.
Kit contents
Vampire Pump

1 x pump head (A)

1 x drive unit (B)
The following guidance applies to anyone sending invertebrate samples to the United Kingdom from all other countries. NatureMetrics is fully compliant with current legislation on the transport of biological material and our operations team are on hand to ensure that all return shipments meet the required specification. We are only able to analyse samples that are returned using the correct NatureMetrics logistics procedure. It is important that your samples are packed and shipped in accordance with the instructions in this document. These instructions ensure compliance with the NatureMetrics import licence and sample clearance through UK customs.
Our logistics team will arrange the transport of samples using a courier service and will provide a full quote prior to shipping. Samples should be addressed to:
NatureMetrics, Sample Reception, 1 Occam Court, Surrey Research Park, Guildford, Surrey, GU2 7HJ, United Kingdom
Once you have collected your sample, follow our guidelines below to safely transport your sample to the NatureMetrics laboratory.
- Both the NatureMetrics sample containers and specimen bags must be wiped with disinfectant prior to their return to us. Please use the disinfectant wipes included in each kit to do this during sample collection. The outer packaging should also be wiped before leaving the exporting address. A simple cleaning solution (disinfectant, diluted bleach etc.) is fine for the outer packaging.
- The NatureMetrics sample containers should remain upright during shipping. Ensure that the NatureMetrics sample containers are placed in the packaging that they were sent in.
- Samples must be sent within at least three layers of containment, at least one of which should be International Air Transport Association (IATA) certified. For the Invertebrate tissue kit, this is the NatureMetrics sample container. Each NatureMetrics sample container must then be placed in a separate specimen bag with an absorbent sheet. This should be then placed back in the kit bag before placing samples in a sturdy cardboard box.
- Consider the size and weight of your items. Choose a box that is slightly larger than your items, but not so large that they will move around during transport. Any empty space should be appropriately filled with packing material, such as foam inserts or bubble wrap or old newspaper, to minimise movement of samples during transit and to protect from damage during transport.
- Avoid overpacking the box, as this can increase the risk of damage.
- Use packing tape to reinforce the bottom of the box and seal all seams securely. Avoid using masking tape or duct tape, as these may not provide adequate sealing.
The appropriate labels and documents for your shipment will be emailed to you by NatureMetrics.
- Complete a sampling datasheet for each sample and place it in the document pouch on the specimen bag. Details for all samples should also be included on the electronic sample manifest. Please record your sampling data on paper and on the NatureMetrics manifest so there is a physical and electronic copy of your data.
- Ensure that one label reading ‘in vitro research only ‘NOT FOR HUMAN OR ANIMAL CONSUMPTION’ is attached to each final outer box.
- Two printed copies of declaration 1 and declaration 2 should be placed in a document pouch on the outside of the shipment box/export case.
- Two copies of the Animal and Plant Health Agency Authorisation for the importation from third countries of research and diagnostic samples and a completed NatureMetrics sample manifest should be printed per package being sent. One copy of each should be put in a pouch and attached to the outer package and one should be included inside the box.
- Five copies of the shipping invoice must be printed, put inside a separate pouch, and attached to the outside of the shipping box.
Please visit our customer support desk here for further information prior to returning samples.
At NatureMetrics, we are committed to sustainability and are continually striving to reduce our environmental impacts. Our kit components are recyclable in many places, and it is always preferable for plastics to be recycled locally, however, we understand that local recycling is not always possible. As such, we now provide the opportunity for clients to return any unrecyclable plastic kit-waste to us, so that it can be turned into something useful again.
How to send your kit waste back to NatureMetrics
The only essential kit to send back to us is the specimen bag with the sample container inside and the
sampling datasheet in the specimen bag pocket. However, all kit contents can be sent back to NatureMetrics for recycling.
We accept back all waste from our sampling kits.
- All plastic waste MUST be well rinsed with tap-water and dried prior to sending back.
- Any soiled, wet, or dirty plastic waste cannot be recycled and violates international permitting
regulations, so washing and drying is essential. - Please contact us via our customer support desk here, for returning your waste.
Plastic waste can be shipped back in the same package as the samples but must be packed in a separate bag to prevent any possible contamination. See above for instructions on how to send back your samples.